Medicare “Birthday Rule” for Oklahoma
To all my clients on Medicare:
Just another reminder to my clients who have Medicare supplements or “Medigap” plans: Oklahoma is one of only eight states that has the Medicare “Birthday Rule.” This rule states that each year the policy holder on a Medigap plan has a 60 day window to enroll in another Medicare supplement plan (Medigap plan). The window begins on your birthdate and goes for 59 days after your birthdate with no medical underwriting. It is a “guarantee issue situation.” You cannot be turned down because of your health. You have to live in Oklahoma and not have a lapse in coverage greater than 90 days. You can enroll in a Medicare plan with the same or lesser coverage than your current plan. This rule only applies for those who have a true Medicare supplement (Medigap Plan). It does not apply to Medicare Advantage Plans. Please call me if you want me to do a cost analysis and comparison of costs on your current plan with other companies’ plans. -Jim 405.261.2031
Policy Change for Blue Cross Blue Shield
An Important message to my clients:
Beginning January 1st, 2025 if a medical service or treatment is offered in the state of Oklahoma, Blue Cross of Oklahoma will not cover that service or treatment in another state. The only time Blue Cross of Oklahoma will cover these services or treatments in another state, the circumstances have to meet one of the following exceptions: 1. If the medical care is an emergency. 2. If the treatment takes place in a county that directly boarders Oklahoma. 3. If a particular treatment that is needed is not available in Oklahoma. This policy change does not apply to Blue Cross Group Insurance or Blue Cross Medicare Supplements. Call me with any questions you might have. -Jim 405.261.2031
Open Enrollment Begins November 1st!
An Important message to my clients:
The annual enrollment for the Federal Health Marketplace will start November 1st. The last day to enroll or change coverage for plans starting January 1st is December 15th. The last day to enroll or change plans that start February 1st is January 15th. You will be getting notices from your carrier about changes in coverage, cost, and subsidies. I have read some of the notifications to clients, and they are not always correct. Please call me with any questions or concerns. I appreciate every one of you, Jim 405.261.2031
New Federal Ruling for Short-term Medical Insurance
An Important message to my clients who have short term major medical plans:
As most people know if a person or family does not qualify for a sizable government subsidy, insurance plans on the Federal Marketplace are simply not affordable. As a result of this situation, for a number of years, short term major medical plans with a finite coverage period of one, two, or three years have been very popular. Due to these plans’ affordability, they were taking business away from the Federal Marketplace.
Because of this, starting last January, the Federal Government threatened to limit the coverage terms of these short term plans to four months. That never came to fruition, but now it has.
Starting in September any major medical plan sold can only be a maximum of four months in duration. This is not only useless in most cases, it is dangerous. What if you became injured or very ill during your third month of coverage?
However, most of my clients on short-term policies are with Allstate. Allstate will allow their clients to sign up for a plan before the September deadline in August. They will defer the start of a policy up to January 1, 2025, and not charge any premiums until the deferred policy start date. You must sign up before September 1st, but you can decide to start coverage as late as January 1st of 2025.
You can choose up to a one, two, or three year policy duration. You will not be limited to four months! I will be calling all my short term policy holders in August with prices and coverage options. This will abide by the new coverage duration parameters and allow you to keep your short term plan for up to three years. In the mean time, don’t hesitate to call me with any questions about this situation.
I appreciate every one of you, Jim
Open Enrollment Ends Dec. 7th at Midnight
Marketplace Misinformation
Open Enrollment and Medicare Scams
To my clients on Medicare,
The annual Medicare Open Enrollments started October 15th and will continue until December 7th. Inevitably, every year there are countless Medicare scams where criminals pretend to be from Medicare or an organization representing Medicare. This year is no different. They will use terms such as “I’m with the Medicare Enrollment Center.” they will claim “new Medicare cards are being issued, because of this your old one is invalid. ” They will insist that they need you to verify your Medicare claim number or Social Security number to receive your new card. The caller may even tell you your “benefits will be cancelled” if you don’t immediately provide your personal information. They may tell you that you “qualify for a refund due to a change in your plan,” and ask for your personal information. These are most usually scams. Medicare does not call you on the phone and ask for personal information. You will usually get a written request from Medicare stating what information they need.
If you get one of these types of calls, you are welcome to tell them you will get with your agent about any changes, and hang up. Do not give your personal information over the phone to anyone claiming to be from Medicare.
Please feel free to call with any concerns.
Thanks, Jim
Important New Amendment to Medicaid
Traditionally, if you were on a true Medicare supplement (gap plan) and you were past your initial guaranteed issue period (3 months before your 65th birthday, your birth month, and the proceeding 3 months), you could not change to another plan or company without being underwritten. However, this month (September) a new ruling, or amendment, to the Oklahoma administrative code set forth by the Oklahoma Insurance Department requires Medicare supplement issuers to provide new supplement policies with the same or lesser coverage to policy holders, regardless of the current current carrier for those who have had no gap in coverage for more than 90 days….These policyholders must be provided a 60 day open enrollment with NO underwriting (GUARANTEED ISSUE). This enrollment period will begin each year on the enrollees birthday and will continue for 59 additional days. This possibly could save the policy holders with premium savings, especially if they are on an old “F” plan.
Call me with any question about this new ruling.
Thanks, Jim
Medicare Eligibility and Marketplace Subsidies
Medicaid to Re-Assess Eligibility
At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, congress enacted the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act.” This required states to
allow all people enrolled in Medicaid to continue to be covered, despite their income. However, on December 29th 2022 congress signed into law the “Consolidated Appropriation Act.” This stopped the continuous enrollment in Medicaid. That means the states will re-examine the income and eligibility of all Medicaid recipients. It is estimated that between 5 million and 14 million people will lose their coverage through Medicaid. Termination notices started being sent to consumers April 1st. However, if a person’s Medicaid is terminated they can apply on the Federal Insurance Marketplace for coverage within 60 days of losing Medicaid. They also could be eligible for a subsidy and other cost cutting benefits to help pay for premiums. Their new coverage on the Market Place will start the first day of the month following the choice of a plan. If you know anyone who has lost coverage, have them contact me and I will assist them in getting creditable coverage.
Call me anytime, Jim
Open Enrollment for 2023 Starts November 1st
Open Enrollment starts TODAY!
I’m Here to Help!
An Important message to my clients:
2022 Marketplace Application Status
A message for my clients regarding application status:
I have recently received a number of calls from clients who said they had received a call from the Federal Marketplace. These calls inform my clients that according to Marketplace records, they have incomplete applications and they need to contact the Marketplace before January 15th to complete said application. If you receive a call like this, call me immediately and let me check on your policy status. Do not call the Marketplace. To date, every call of this nature I have found to be invalid, and my clients applications are complete.
Again, call me, not the Marketplace. It takes very little time for me to look up your 2022 coverage and verify your status. Meanwhile each of you have a Happy New Year, and don’t hesitate to call me with any questions.
Thanks, Jim
Reminder for Statewide Rate Increases and Federal Subsidy Decreases
I recently sent my clients a notice that all individual health plans in the state would have a rate increase January 1st. Additionally, the Federal Insurance Marketplace has lowered all subsidies in the state.
Just this past year they raised the federal subsidies, giving those who qualified for any kind of federal subsidy extremely attractive rates. Now, because of the cut in subsidies, some of my clients on the Marketplace will see significant rate increases.
I have checked the rates on different health insurance companies in the Marketplace and Blue Cross rates are comparable or lower than most companies. The companies that have lower rates limit access to medical facilities, providers, and even entire areas of the state’s 77 counties.
You also will or have received a letter from Blue Cross showing your new estimated 2022 rates. I am finding some of the estimates severely inaccurate. We can help control your rate by adjusting your PPO network and coverage.
Call me with any questions you might have.
Rate Increases and Subsidy Information
A message to my Blue Cross clients who receive a federal subsidy:
Medicare Marketplace Subsidies and You
If you have a medical plan through the Federal Marketplace, and are going to be eligible for Medicare in the near future, you must drop your Marketplace Plan before your birth month. This is especially important if you have a subsidy. You are not eligible for a subsidy if you are eligible for another government plan. If you have a medical plan, for example with Blue Cross, you must contact the Marketplace, to drop your plan. You do not contact your insurance carrier.
Subsidy Changes Update
An important message to my clients receiving a premium subsidy through the Marketplace:
New Health Insurance Law Changes, Enrollment extension, Unemployment Subsidy
A very important message to my clients:
On June 30, 2020, state question 802 passed expanding Medicaid coverage to adults whose income is 138% of the federal poverty level or lower. A chart with those income levels which is also based on family size, is included in this message. Starting July 1st these benefits will begin. If you and your family are receiving a subsidy from the Federal Marketplace and fall within the expanded Medicaid guidelines, you are no longer eligible for a marketplace plan which is subsidized. You will be responsible for the full unsubsidized premium.
Documents should be going out from the Federal Marketplace or the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority concerning this matter. Even if you do NOT receive the aforementioned documents, it is your responsibility to ascertain if you qualify for the expanded Medicare. If you do qualify, you should immediately end your subsidized marketplace coverage.
To help determine your eligibility for the expanded Medicaid, you can call the Sooner Care helpline at 1-800-987-7767. Tell them your taxable income and your family size, and they should determine your eligibility at that time.
It is important that you do this immediately, or within 30 days of any notice you receive from the Marketplace or Healthcare Authority.
If you continue to receive a Marketplace subsidy and are also eligible for Medicaid, you could be compelled to pay back the Federal subsidy.
Remember, make sure you qualify for Medicaid before ending your Marketplace plan!
If you have any other questions, feel free to call me at 405-720-0094.
2021 SoonerCare Income Guidelines for Expansion Adults (effective: 07/01/2021)
1 | $1,483 | $17,796 |
2 | $2,004 | $24,048 |
3 | $2,526 | $30,312 |
4 | $3,049 | $36,588 |
5 | $3,571 | $42,852 |
6 | $4,092 | $49,104 |
7 | $4,615 | $55,380 |
8 | $5,130 | $61,560 |
9 | $5,652 | $67,824 |
10 | $6,175 | $74,100 |
11 | $6,696 | $80,352 |
12 | $7,218 | $86,616 |
13 | $7,741 | $92,892 |
14 | $8,263 | $99,156 |
15 | $8,784 | $105,408 |
16 | $9,307 | $111,684 |
17 | $9,829 | $117,948 |
18 | $10,350 | $124,200 |
19 | $10,874 | $130,488 |
20 | $11,395 | $136,740 |
Will My Stimulus Check Affect My Subsidy?
With the economic impact payments (federal stimulus payments/checks) to taxpayers, who are also receiving subsidies to help pay for their Marketplace insurance, I am asked if the economic impact payments are taxable income?
The answer is no. The IRS stated that the economic impact payments are not considered taxable income. Thus, they should not affect your Marketplace subsidy.
If you have any other questions, contact your tax advisor, or feel free to call me anytime at 405.720.0094.
Again, do not hesitate to call me with any questions.
Thanks, Jim
New Health Insurance Law Changes, Enrollment extension, Unemployment Subsidy
A very important message to ALL my clients:
Recently the Federal Government created a “Special Enrollment Period” (SEP) from February 15th through May 15th for people who needed to enroll in a Marketplace Health Insurance plan and could not wait until next year for coverage to begin. That SEP has now been extended to August 15th. In addition, in the past, if you made over 400% of the federal poverty level (for example: $55,000 for an individual, $104,800 for a family of 4) you were not eligible for a subsidy to help pay your premiums. Under the new law, it does not matter how much you make, you will never have to pay over 8.5% of your adjusted gross income. In addition, other income level subsidies are somewhat higher. We can either re-enroll you, or you can receive the additional premium tax credit (if any) when you reconcile your 2021 federal income taxes, which I recommend.
Finally, if you or anyone you know has collected unemployment for as little as one week in 2021, you will be eligible for a more generous subsidy.
There are other changes in this law. Please call me with any and all questions.
Call me anytime.
Thanks, Jim
Native American Subsidy Information
Here’s hoping you and your family had a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
An important message to my clients who are members of a recognized Native American Tribe:
The federal government has recently created a “Special Enrollment Period” from February 15th through May 15th for people who need to enroll in the Marketplace and can’t wait until next year for coverage to begin. However, if you are a card carrying member of a recognized Native American Tribe, you can enroll into the Marketplace at any point in the year. Also, any subsidies you get are many times greater than the general non-Native population. For example, if a Native American buys a Marketplace plan, and their income is between 100% and 300% of that federal poverty level, they won’t have to pay any out of pocket costs. If they fall into that category, the subsidies available will cover most, if not all the cost of your monthly premium. Call me with any questions about this subject.
I appreciate all of you.
Call me anytime.
Jim on Fox25 – Your Personal Health Insurance Advocate!
It’s Time to Renew Your Short-Term Coverage NOW!
Here’s hoping you and your family had a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
This message is for my clients on short-term major medical policies. While these are extremely attractive and effective policies that can save you literally thousands of dollars a year in premiums, they are finite policies. They have a limited lifetime. For example, if you have a one year policy that ends January 9th, and you become injured or very ill on January 7th, you only have two days of coverage. The short term carrier does not have to sell you another policy to cover whatever illness or injury you have incurred. That means you could be forced to go without coverage for virtually an entire year.
That is why I always tell my clients to renew their policies each December, for at least a year, no matter the end date of your policy/contract.
If at that time you have a pre-existing illness or injury, we need to consider moving you to the guaranteed issued government policy that would cover the pre-existing condition.
We have attempted to contact some of our clients about the importance of renewing their contracts by December 15th, and still have had no response from five or six families.
It is imperative we renew your contracts. The contract can be with your current carrier, or a different one, depending on premiums and coverage. If this is not done in a timely manner, those families are in danger of losing coverage for up to a year.
Please call right away so we can look at renewing your coverage in time to switch you to a government plan if needed. Open enrollment ends the 15th of December. After that you will not be covered for any pre-existing conditions.
Thanks and God bless you and your family.
Passive Enrollment and Subsidy Information
I have had a number of my Blue Cross clients call me and ask if they need to do anything to continue their coverage in 2021. Blue Cross will, again, have every policy available in 2021 as they did in 2020. Because of that, Blue Cross says if you like the plan you are on in 2020, you can keep it in 2021 with no action on your part. This is what they call a “passive enrollment.”
If you want to change the policy you need to contact me.
A word of caution to Blue Cross members getting a federal subsidy on the Marketplace: If you have filed an extension on your 2019 taxes and have not reconciled them, you will lose your subsidy. If you have any outstanding documentation that the marketplace has required you could lose your subsidy.
One more thing: If you are on the exchange, receiving a subsidy, and you have a “life changing event” (birth, death, marriage, divorce, move, different income, loss of a job, etc.) you need to call me so we can contact the Marketplace. This is VERY IMPORTANT. If you have any questions in this regard, don’t hesitate to call me. A phone call to my office is more effective and reliable than an email. Rates for next year have not been released, but we are told there will be very little change.
Call me anytime.
Thanks, Jim
Will You Lose Your Subsidy? What You Need To Know:
I have discovered a number of my clients who receive a subsidy through the Marketplace are scheduled to lose their subsidy in January. This most commonly is caused by not submitting an 8962 form. This form is submitted by your tax preparer. That form can only be submitted once you give your tax preparer the 1095-A form you recieved from the Marketplace. Also, if you filed an extension and have not paid your 2019 taxes, you will lose your subsidy. We have left messages with those clients who we have discovered are losing their subsidy. This does not guarantee we have discovered and notified everyone in this situation. It is incumbent on my clients to call me if you have received a message from my office warning you that you are in danger of losing your subsidy. It is imperative you contact me as soon as possible. If you have ANY questions concerning your subsidy, please give me a call anytime. 405.720.0094
In Hospital Surgery vs. Ambulatory Surgical Center Costs
The Effect of State Question 802 on Clients receiving a subsidy
An important message to my clients:
Recently Oklahomans voted to approve State Question 802 which expanded Medicaid coverage for low income adults between ages 18 and 65 with incomes at or below 133% of the federal poverty level. Because the affordable Care Act includes a 5% income disregard, this expanded Medicaid to those with incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level. If you fall in this group and you are currently receiving a subsidy to help pay your premiums, this could affect you. To receive a subsidy, you must make a minimum amount of household income. Under the new guidelines the minimum amount is as follows:
Individual: $17,236
Family of 2: $23,335
Family of 3: $29,435
Family of 4: $35,535
The Oklahoma Healthcare Authority has until July 1st, 2021 to submit an effective Medicaid plan to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service for approval.These Federal poverty levels will probably change in 2021. If you are in these income levels listed above, it will more than likely affect your subsidy eligibility when the plan is approved.
Thanks, and call with any questions.
See below email from Mike Rhoads, the Deputy Commissioner of Consumer Services for the Oklahoma Insurance Department.
Jim: I will make this as brief as possible acknowledging that there are still many unanswered questions on what happens when the Medicaid expansion happens in Oklahoma on July 1, 2021. All of the implementation will be the responsibility of the Ok Health Care Authority.
For people that have a marketplace plan and are at or below the 138% FPL for PY 2021 the following is going to happen:
- Individuals that have Marketplace coverage at 138% level will not be eligible for subsidies (premium tax credits, CSR’s) after Medicaid expansion comes on line –July 1, 2021.
- These people will get a letter from CMS 30-60 days before their eligible date (7/1/2021) explaining the change in their policy. It will say that the individual can keep their Marketplace coverage but will pay the full price of the plan.
- The notice will inform them that they should not cancel their Marketplace policy until they have been accepted by Medicaid. The notice will give them instructions on how to enroll in Medicaid.
- The bottom line here is that if the individual does qualify for Medicaid they are not eligible for any savings on an ACA policy. For people above the 138% threshold nothing changes as far as their ACA policy goes.
- Since this policy change occurs at mid- year in Oklahoma everyone on a Marketplace plan should ‘re-up” for coverage during the upcoming Open Enrollment (Oct 1-Dec 15).
You can do further research on this topic by accessing
Hope this helps with your communication to your clients.
Michael Rhoads
Deputy Commissioner of Consumer Service
Oklahoma Insurance Department
7645 East 63Rd Street, Ste 102
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133
918.295.3702 office
Answers to Medicare Questions
As my clientele age, I get more and more questions about when the best time is to enroll in Medicare. If you are not receiving social security benefits or Railroad Retirement Benefits, the best time to sign up for Medicare is during the initial enrollment period (IEP). The IEP begins 3 months before the month of your 65th birthday, during your birth month, and 3 more months after your birth month (7 months total).
It is important to sign up before your birth month to avoid a possible gap in coverage.
Medicare Part “B” (outpatient care) comes with a monthly premium, while most people get the Part “A” (inpatient care) premium free.
If you do not sign up for Medicare Part “B” when you are first eligible and sign up later, you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty for as long as you have Medicare.
If you have a group plan, and your employer has over 20 employees, in most cases you can delay taking Part “B” without a penalty. If your employer has less than 20 employees, you must enroll in Medicare.
The best time to enroll in a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) and a Part “D” (Prescription Plan) is also during the IEP. Be aware that if you don’t take out a Part “D” plan upon your eligibility date, or up to 63 days after your eligibility date, you will have a penalty added to your Part “D” premium as long as you are on Medicare.
Medicare Advantage plans are a totally different situation, and for the sake of brevity, I will address them at a later date.
Call with any questions or if you need assistance enrolling at 405.720.0094.
When to Claim Alimony as Income
Special Enrollment Period
A message for my clients:
If someone in your family has lost their job and their group health insurance, they have 60 days to apply for health insurance through the Federal Marketplace. This 60 day period is called a special enrollment period (SEP). During this SEP they could qualify for federal subsidies that would pay for most, if not all their premium. I help people every week who are in this situation.
An important message to my clients:
To qualify for a subsidy from the federal Marketplace, an individual cannot be eligible for group insurance. If anyone in your household has a job with group insurance that the family is eligible for, no one in the household is eligible for a subsidy, no matter what the cost is to the family.
The exception to the rule is the Hardship Statute. This ruling states if the cost to the employees is more than 9.78% of the yearly household income, the family is eligible for a subsidy. That’s the cost to the employee only. It matters not what the family pays.
For example, if a family of 4 making $60,000 per year has to pay $1,100 per month to be on a family member policy, but the family member who is the employee of the company only has to contribute $200 per month for their coverage, the family does not qualify under the Hardship Rule. The $200 per month is well below 9.78% threshold. I have contacted senator Lankford and Representative Horn’s office about this terrible statute. Both offices say they will look into this and get back with me. We will see. God bless you, and stay healthy.
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