Your Questions are Our Priority

Jim’s Insurance Philosophy: Personal Service. If one of my clients has a question or problem with their insurance policy, I want them to call me before they call the insurance company. I have a vested interest in either solving the question or problem for my clients. Many times I can answer their questions solve their problem without them having to speak to a faceless entity who does not personally know them or the circumstance. Keeping up with today’s complicated and confusing health insurance industry can overwhelm the average consumer. That is why you need an agent who has been helping deal with, simplify, and guide his client through this confusing maze of options, laws, and competing coverage. That’s why we make things easy. We personally walk you through each step and help you find the solution you’re looking for. It’s why we’re here!

We Value Your Time – We Call You Back!

Quickly responding to my clients has been a hallmark of my agency for over 25 years. We value your time, which is why we like scheduling meetings with you! Either in person or via phone-call, once arranged, we’ll be there! Click here to schedule an appointment with us!

We Look out for You!

Representing the best insurance, both under 65 coverage and Medicare products and comparing the different companies available . If I find a better policy on the market than the policy I have given a client, I call and update them on the new coverage, and if the client wishes, change policies or companies. Because of this personal touch, I have many clients who have been with me over 20 years.

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Simplify what’s available both on and off the Federal Marketplace. What, if any, subsidy you would qualify for in order to help pay your premium.  We offer both Individual and Group Health  as well as Dental plans both on and off the Federal Marketplace.

Life Insurance Policies that are Whole Life to Term. Call Jim for more information!

Indemnities are not major medical plans. They pay up to a certain amount for each medical procedure performed. Many of my clients prefer indemnities because they are usually less expensive than major medical plans and meet my clients’ needs. They will pay additional cash benefits to be used to cover deductible and everyday expenses like rent, groceries, utilities, etc. Call Jim to get more information or a quote!

Critical Illness Insurance. It is a simple, reasonably priced supplemental policy that can be a financial lifesaver to anyone who is diagnosed with the big three: cancer, heart attack, or stroke. Many people have never heard of Critical Illness Insurance, although I mention it quite often to my clients. One in two Oklahoma men, and one in three Oklahoma women will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime.

The numbers are almost as daunting for heart attack and stroke. The good news is with today’s advancements, you have more than a 60% chance of surviving. The bad news is upon surviving, you are likely to be broke or at least in financial distress. About 60% of all US bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. Close to 80% of those individuals had health insurance. Critical Illness insurance will cover those expenses your health insurance won’t cover like deductibles, co-insurance, drugs, out of town travel for treatment, etc. It will also cover non-medical costs such as mortgage or rent payments, utilities, car payments, food, and lost income. In most cases, if you get cancer, have a heart attack or stroke, you will be forced to take off work, but the bills will keep coming. Critical Illness Insurance pays your entire benefit in one lump sum, tax free, upon diagnosis.

You can spend the money in any manner you deem necessary. Many health policies now have CI insurance available over and above the standard coverage. Why am I explaining this? One of my clients just received $30,000 to help pay the above mentioned bills not covered under her health insurance. I had another client who forgot she had CI coverage. She received a check for $50,000, which she said saved her business. This makes me, as an agent feel very good about my profession. If you would like more information, or need other assistance, call me at 405.720.0094, or email me at

We market Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage plans, and Medicare Part “D” (prescription), plans. What is the difference in Medicare supplements (sometimes called Medigap plans), and Medicare Advantage plans? Am I required to have a Medicare Part “D” plan? There are many other questions to be answered relative to your Medicare coverage. Call me for these answers!

Medicare Over 65 Plans, Medicare Advantage, Part D Prescription Plans and more. Talk with Jim to get a quote!

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We answer questions.

Questions? We make things easy. We’ll personally walk you through each step and help you find the solution you’re looking for. That’s why we’re here!

We value your time.

We value your time, which is why we like scheduling meeting with you! Either in person or on the phone, once arranged, we’ll be there!

We call you back!

We’re reliable. We call you back! No 1-800 numbers here. At Cooke insurance, your call is important to us. Simply leave a message at 405.261.2031 and we’ll get back to you!


New Number: 405-261-2031

Your Personal Health Insurance Advocate

Health • Life • Indemnities • Cancer • Heart • Stroke • Medicare • Medicare Supplements

Jim’s Company Office Hours: 7am-4pm Monday-Thursday • 7am-12pm Friday